Sunday, March 28, 2010

Time and Options

Time goes by so fast and yet so slow! Why is it that when you want things to move along they move so slowly and when you want time to slow down. You want to savor every bit it goes so very fast? I guess I have to be patient in ALL things....Its the Pineapple :P

I came home after church and lounged...everyone was in New Jersey but me...strangely, I didn't mind that much...though I can also see myself getting tired of it too. Perhaps, not just yet.

“If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both.”
- Native American saying

That is my problem...concerning many things...I tend to not narrow my options...or search down...this trickles down to everything (relationships, restaurants, items, books etc...) I think I might be afraid that I'll miss out on the best of things. I also think that having several options means that I can't be stereo-typed. Having Several options means that I might still yet be unique. I think I need a bit of a change. As I've told my brother I need to not spread myself too thin and be resolute in my commitment. (whatever it is) I just don't like being boxed in. (though I think this phase is ending)

Is it good for a person to be a jack of all trades or a master of one? I think that might be something that I need to answer. If I try to do everything I might end up doing nothing.

As a side note...I have a horrible craving for Fanta shaker and 자장면 (Jajangmyeon)
don't ask me why...never was a huge fan when I was over in Korea....
 자장면                                                                                                            흔들 흔들 = Hundle Hundle 
                                                                                             = shake shake

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