Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Early Sleep!

I'm ready for a change...there I said it...! ....like soon...

Hate that the travel 'sickness' is acting up again....and I have no means to do so right now...well I'll just settle for a list of places that I want to head to in the next couple of months/years (do I need to settle down?)

Belgium (again - had a great time there...) , Italy (first time for everything), China (so much to see so much history), Korea (miss the place already - probably wont miss it once I'm there), India (want to see what all the fuss is about), California (it's been years Drew), Missouri (that one is a no brain-er), and of course.... Antarctica...(nothing needs to be said about this its obvious)....

And I leave you with this wonderful piece of work....


  1. Is that for real? That can't be real!

  2. sadly its not...would be even funnier if it were....
